Explore the Scientific R&D Platform

Free Trial

Sample Size & Power Calculations
Calculate for a Variety of frequentist and Bayesian Design

Adaptive Design
Design and Analyze a Wide Range of Adaptive Designs

Milestone Prediction
Predict Interim Analysis Timing or Study Length

Randomization Lists
Generate and Save Lists for your Trial Design


Group Sequential and Promising Zone Designs
Calculate Boundaries & Find Sample Size. Evaluate Interim Data & Re-estimate Sample Size

Sample Size for Bayesian Statistics
Probability of Success (Assurance), Credible Intervals, Bayes Factors and more

Early Stage and Complex Designs
Sample size & operating characteristics for Phase I, II & Seamless Designs (MAMS)

Free Trial

nQuery Webinars

Sample size for modern clinical trial designs

Powering Phase IV Clinical Trials_Watch Now

Powering Phase IV Clinical Trials

Design Considerations for Post-Marketing Surveillance Trials

Design and Evaluation of Complex Sequential Analysis Trials

Design and Evaluation of Complex Sequential Analysis Trials

Sequential Survival Analysis and Simulation for Operating Characteristics


Exploring Survival Analysis Designs for Clinical Trials May Webinar On Demand

Exploring Survival Analysis Designs for Clinical Trials

Identifying & Addressing Challenges With Survival Sample Size & Power

Sample Size and Power for Non Parametric Analysis April Webinar On Demand

Sample Size and Power for Non-Parametric Analysis

A Guide to Non-Parametric Analysis Methods, Tools & Sample Size Considerations

Everything to Know About Sample Size Determination March Webinar March Webinar On Demand

Everything to Know About Sample Size Determination

A Step-by-Step Interactive Guide Including Common Pitfalls

Projecting How Long Your Trial Will Take Feb Webinar - On Demand

Projecting How Long Your Trial Will Take

A Practical Guide to Milestone Prediction

2024 Trends in Clinical Trial Design Jan Webinar - On Demand

2024 Trends in Clinical Trial Design

Complex Trial Design and Impact of Emerging Technologies in Clinical Trials

Clinical Trial Design Dec Webinar - On Demand

Clinical Trial Design

2023's Most Popular Topics

Trial Design Issues for Phase II Trials Nov Webinar - On Demand

Trial Design Issues for Phase II Trials

Guide to Two-Stage IIa Designs and IIa/IIb using MCP-Mod

A Practical Guide to Randomization in Clinical Trials Oct Webinar - On Demand

A Practical Guide to Randomization in Clinical Trials

Why it Matters, How it Affects Power, and How to Generate a Randomization Lists

Group Sequential Design Theory and Practice

Group Sequential Design Theory and Practice

Assessing and Dealing With Challenges for Survival Analysis Power

Practical Guide to Sequential Design Aug Webinar - On Demand

Practical Guide to Sequential Design

Primer on Sequential Design Methods and Design Choices 

Powering Survival Analysis Clinical Trials July Webinar - On Demand

Powering Survival Analysis Clinical Trials

Assessing and Dealing With Challenges for Survival Analysis Power

The Scientific Method and ICH E9 (R1) Webinar

The Scientific Method and ICH E9 (R1)

Guest Webinar with InCSD on the Estimated Framework 


Webinar on Demand Background-2

Sample Size for Measures of Association
Correlation, Agreement and Diagnostic Measures 


Dealing with Uncertainty in Sample Size Determination

Dealing with Uncertainty in Sample Size Determination
Pilot Studies, Model Selection and Practical Equivalence


Sample Size for Categorical Endpoints
Binary, Ordered & Contingency Table Data 


Sample Size for Regression Models
Calculations for Common Regression, Mixed-Effects and Prediction Models


Clinical Trial Design Trends for 2023

This-years-most-popular-design topics-on-demand

Clinical Trial Design
This Year's Most Popular Topics


Guide to Sample Size Re-estimation
Approaches for blinded and unblinded
sample size re-estimation


Improving Sample Size Using Bayesian Thinking
Hybrid Bayesian/Frequentist Methods for Sample Size Determination


Sample Size for Non-inferiority Designs
Design Considerations and Dealing with Non-continuous Endpoints

Randomization in Clinical Trials

Randomization in Clinical Trials
Understanding it’s Importance & A Guide to Generating Randomization Lists


Sample Size for Statistical Intervals
Calculations for Confidence, Prediction and Credible Intervals


Sample Size for Complex Endpoints
Ordinal, Composite and Complex Survival Case Studies



Advanced Sample Size Determination for Counts and Rates
Dealing with Overdispersion, Unequal Followup and Interim Analysis


Improving Your Pre-Trial Milestone Predictions
Using Interim Data to Improve Expected Study Length Prediction


Designing Sequential Clinical Trials
A practical implementation of a sequential vaccine trial


Crossover & Cluster Randomized Trials
Alternative Study Designs and Randomization Schemes


Clinical Trial Design Trends for 2022

This-years-most-popular-design topics-on-demand

This year's most popular topics


Overcoming Challenges in Survival Analysis


Introducing nQuery Predict
A new tool for clinical trial milestone prediction


How to predict key events for survival analysis trials
Using Simulation to Project Event Targets


Predicting Key Study Milestones
Using Simulation for Enrollment and Event Predictions


Bayesian Sample Size -
Approaches to Interval Estimation & Hypothesis testing


Sample Size for Oncology Trials - Survival Analysis, Delayed Effects and Adaptive Designs


Design and Sample Size for Vaccine Trials -
Case Study of Covid-19 Vaccine Trials

Phase II Oncology Trial Designs

Phase II Oncology Trial Designs -
Their unique issues & the adaptive solutions

Choosing the Right Sample Size Method Playback

Choosing the right sample size method-
Rules for what will work for your study


2021 Trends In Biostatistics - Latest developments in clinical trial design


This year's most popular
clinical trial design topics


The impact of COVID-19 in clinical trials


Non-inferiority & Equivalence study design


Extending a trial’s design
Case studies of dealing with study design issues


Adaptive designs
for phase II trials

Flexible clinical trial design Survival, Stepped-Wedge & MAMS Designs

Flexible clinical trial design
Survival, Stepped-Wedge & MAMS Designs


Designing MAMS trials
Advantages, issues and sample size


Optimizing oncology trial design


Optimizing Phase II Dose Selection for
Continuous and Non-Continuous Endpoints


Designing studies with
recurrent events

2020 Trends In Biostatistics-nQuery-Webinar-on-demand

2020 trends In biostatistics


5 Reasons to upgrade to
nQuery v8.5


Optimizing trial design:
From early phase to confirmatory trials


Sample size for phase II clinical trials
Simon's design and MCP-Mod case studies


Alternatives to the p-value & power:
The effect on sample size determination

why-to-include-bayesian-statistics-when-planning-your-frequentists-trial- Webinar On Demand-nQuery-sample size calculator

Why include Bayesian statistics
(when planning your frequentists trial)


Innovative strategies for successful trial design

How to reduce sample size - Webinar On Demand - nQuery - sample size calculator

How to reduce sample size
Ethically and responsibly

Sample Size for Survival Analysis - Webinar On Demand

Sample size for survival analysis
A guide to planning successful clinical trials

Get Started With Cards

Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Suspendisse tempor nisi ut vehicula commodo.

Learn More →

2019 trends in biostatistics What you should know about study design

Adaptive clinical trials
Why & how to use nQuery for your sample size calculations

Innovative sample size methods for adaptive clinical trials

FDA Guidance on Adaptive Sample Size Re-estimation Watch On Demand

FDA guidance on adaptive sample size re-estimation

Innovative Sample Size Methods for Clinical Trials-on-demand-1920-1080

Innovative sample size methods for clinical trials


Bayesian assurance: Formalizing sensitivity analysis for sample size


Bayesian approaches to improve sample size

Practical Methods to Overcome Sample Size Challenges-on-demand-1920-1080

Practical methods to overcome sample size challenges

2 5 Essential Steps for Sample Size Determination in Clinical Trials On Demand 1200px

The 5 essential steps for sample size determination


Power and sample size calculations for survival analysis

4 Response, Quality & Variation What drug development may be missing

Response, Quality & Variation.
What drug development may be missing

Sample Size Webinars & Video Tutorials

Here you will find recordings of our regular webinars which cover a vast range of topics. They include tips & demonstrations to help improve your sample size estimation and power analysis. These webinars are hosted by Statsols Head of Statistics, Ronan Fitzpatrick. Ronan has been the lead researcher on the last 4 nQuery releases and has been a guest lecturer at the FDA and many other sample size events.

These sample size webinars are usually hosted each month and you will have the opportunity to ask him questions regarding the webinar topic. nQuery is the leading sample size software and as such has thousands of users all over the world. As nQuery is synonymous with sample size, study design planning and power analysis, we usually have hundreds of researchers every month attend our webinars. Join our subscriber list (bottom of this page) to make sure you receive invites to our events.

You can sort these webinars by area of interest, Classical Clinical Trials, Bayesian Statistics Clinical Trials and Adaptive Design Clinical Trials. You will also have access to the slides correlating with each webinar. Just fill in the form on this page to get access.

If after viewing our webinars, try nQuery now with our free sample size calculator online trial. This includes all of the above modules. You can evaluate nQuery and see why it is used by 91% of organizations with clinical trials approved by the FDA. 

If you need some extra resources, feel free to check out the following: